Sunday 19 September 2010

Analysis of similar media text 2

This media text is a music video i have chosen to analysis this video because it has been done by UK un signed UK rap artists there fore the budget for this particular music video is not very high. this music video has a low budget however still has most of the conventions of a typical music video, such as synchronised editing for instance when the music increases in tempo the editing also increases in tempo. different genres of music have a certain theme such as if it is a hip hop music video it will have real life theme and chemise end scene would compliment this such as it will be filmed near a counsel estate. ad the colour scheme would be a dark and gloomy to represent some of the trouble that they may face in their every day lives and they want who ever watches the video to feel that hardship. the music video would not have a chronological story line it will have cuts to different location that have and impact on the theme of the music video. with this small budget the music video would very little or no graphics. the music video would be aimed at a niche audience it would only be aimed at people in the same situation as them i would not be aimed at a larger mainstream audience. the audiences other media consumptions would be the same genre of music and other violent films such as Kidult hood or Adulthood. the audiences hobbies and interests would be doing thing that the artists sing about in their songs, things like selling drugs and being violent.

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